To our clients,
Wednesday morning we woke up to find ourselves in a new political era. Although we are deeply disappointed in the outcome of the election, we look forward to the challenges ahead. The President-Elect, Donald Trump, has proposed to build a wall, deport millions, and close our doors to people fleeing persecution and seeking protection. We are a nation of immigrants. We believe his proposals do not reflect American values. Our firm will stand up against policies that would divide families and hurt our economy. As Americans, we will continue to seek new legal solutions in our changing environment. We are committed to advocate on behalf of all immigrants and prepared for the uphill battles ahead. Through the many years our firm devoted to immigration work, we witnessed eleven presidential elections. Through the ups and downs we have persevered, and we will continue on that path.

We understand that Donald Trump’s election marks a turning point in our country’s direction and will undoubtedly affect our immigration work. However, our longstanding immigration laws remain in effect. The constitutional principles of due process remain applicable. We retain our faith in the American legal system. It will take quite some time for policies under the Trump administration to take effect, and we do not know how the changes of those policies will pan out. Our team of attorneys and paralegals are here to assist you with any questions and concerns. Our service to our clients is of utmost importance, please do not hesitate to reach out and call us. All of us need to reach out to our friends and families and spread the word about the importance of the issues confronting our immigrant communities.
I am not afraid for the future. We will continue to do our work as immigration professionals. We will carry on the fight on behalf of immigrants. While we are witnessing a potentially historic turn in the United States, the affairs of men and women are not always predictable. We will continue to fight and strive for better outcomes.
Thank you for your confidence and the trust you have shown in allowing us to serve you.
– George P. Mann