Our Firm’s Philosophy

Below is a statement of the philosophy of our firm, which I wrote more than 10 years ago.  It applies not only to our commitment to ourselves as attorneys, but to our responsibilities to our clients. I continue to stand by it today:


1. The highest value in the workplace is humanity, not efficiency.  This means that high productivity is not acceptable if it comes with the price of a tense working environment, long hours, and constant pressure.

2. Caring about each other, about our clients, and about those positive values that a fair and generous immigration policy represents, all come before material goals.

3. Respect for each other, an open attitude conducive to teamwork, and the ability to solve problems through genuine communication with each other, stand above other measures of success.

4. Success means doing our best to fulfill the dream of our clients to live and work in America and to share their joy and sense of accomplishment in attaining that dream.


Thank you for supporting not only our firm, but the philosophy that we hope to enshrine.

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