The Supreme Court Niz-Chavez Decision: What it Might Mean for You

Yesterday, the Supreme Court decided the case Niz-Chavez v. Garland. This decision will pave the way for thousands of noncitizens to apply for new relief based on hardship to a US citizen, legal permanent resident, close relatives, as well as allow many to reopen their removal orders. Niz-Chavez  is a sequel to the Supreme Court’s decision in…
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Eliminación Acelerada: Lo Que Necesita Saber

Imagínate esto, estás caminando por la calle haciendo tus mandados. Eres indocumentado. Un agente de Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE) o de Aduanas y Patrulla Fronteriza (CBP) te detiene, o un oficial de policía te detiene y le llama a ICE o CBP para verificar tu estado migratorio. No cuentas con algún documento que…
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Expedited Removal: What You Need to Know

Picture this, you are walking on the street minding your own business. You’re undocumented. An Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) agent stops you, or a police officer stops you and calls ICE or CBP to check on your status. You have nothing on your person showing you’ve been the…
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The Supreme Court Ruling on DACA

Today the Supreme Court Blocked President Trump‘s Cancellation of DACA Immigration Program. This ruling affects more than 600,000 immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children. George P Mann and Associates will resume filing new, initial DACA applications for persons who were barred from applying due to the illegal rescission of DACA.  Please make…
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Border Officials Misuse Fund

According to the Washington Post, U.S. Customs and Border Protection used emergency funding meant for migrant families and children to pay for dirt bikes, canine supplies, computer equipment and other enforcement related-expenditures, according to a report published Thursday by the U.S. Government Accountability Office. Photo by Greg Bull Congress last June approved a $4.6 billion…
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Rules Change for Vulnerable Asylum Seekers who Remain in Mexico

On May 10, the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) issued a joint DHS/EOIR statement on the rescheduling of MPP hearings. This statement changed prior DHS procedures without adequate notice to affected migrants or their attorneys, adding confusion to the already opaque and unconstitutional Migrant…
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Pregúntale a Maris: Puedo ser desalojado de mi casa si no puedo pagar la renta durante el Covid-19?

La respuesta seria “posiblemente”. Todo depende del estado dónde usted este viviendo. En algunos estados y ciudades, se ha hecho ilegal que un arrendador lo desaloje durante la pandemia COVID-19, o por lo menos durante un cierto período de tiempo, incluso si usted no pudiera pagar su renta. La Ley CARES Act (el estímulo) puso…
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Pregúntale a Maris: Beneficios del Seguro de Desempleo Durante el Covid-19

¿Qué es el seguro de desempleo? ¿Soy elegible para recibir los beneficios de desempleo?  El seguro de desempleo es un beneficio monetario pagado a ciertos trabajadores que han perdido su trabajo sin culpa propia y que generalmente están disponibles para poder trabajar. Cada estado proporciona un seguro de desempleo de una manera ligeramente diferente. Además,…
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Ask Maris: Collecting Unemployment Insurance During Covid-19

What is unemployment insurance? Am I eligible to receive unemployment benefits? Unemployment insurance is a monetary benefit paid to certain workers who have lost their job through no fault of their own, and are generally available and able to work. Each state provides unemployment insurance in a slightly different way. Additionally, the federal CARES Act…
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